Thursday, August 9, 2007

Glancing Around the League

While my boys are getting some water to keep from passing out during this heat, I thought I'd take a glance around the league at my competition.

You've truly got to hand it to Steve Spurrier. He turns down the chance to have street signs with his name on them in Tuscaloosa so he can stay in Cockadoodleville, South Carolina. I read where ol' Steve is upset because the South Carolina board of admission won't lower their standards so a couple of his 5-star recruits can get into school. Steve, two things: one, if they can't spell their own name, you probably shouldn't sign them. And two, if you want to sign them, you would have been better off just about anywhere where they have actually won championships. Some of these places are pretty hell bent on academics.

I'm glad to hear things are going great in Knoxville. Another player was busted this week for "violating the school's substance abuse policy." But did he inhale? Anybody get the feelin Pumpkin Boy is on the hot seat up there in Knoxville?

And down on the farm in Auburn, I see they are losing players left and write. I would say "right,", but I'm wondering if some of those new recruits even know the difference. Sounds like a whole bunch of 'em are not making grades to even enroll. Who is that coach down there? Seems like the press in this state never even mentions it anymore.

Ok, back to the practice field. Roll Bama.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think Phat Phil is going to face some real challenges this year in Knoxville. Go Nick.